Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Gastric Bypass Surgery

Gastric Bypass Surgery is a surgery that simply put closes off your stomach. It is primarily used for people with obesity problem that affect their health. It is an almost 100% success rate, which is great, but when people who don’t have a weight issue start using this surgery for the sake of being “skinny”, it’s a terribly unhealthy thing. After the surgery you have to change your life style completely, your diet has to be completely changed also. The symptoms of post surgery aren’t too great either. Your body has to go through a lot of sacrifice to become slimmer.

In a gastric bypass; much of the stomach, which is normally about the size of a football, is stapled closed, and thus bypassed. A small pouch of stomach, about the size of an egg, is left and then connected to the small intestine. Some of the small intestine is also bypassed so that when food passes directly from the stomach to the intestine, less food can be absorbed. Gastric Bypass surgery can be done "open" with a large abdominal incision; or it can be done with a laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) through a smaller incision. In the laparoscopic case, a camera and tube are put into the incision. The bariatric laparoscopic procedure is a more complex surgery, but it usually results in less pain and quicker recovery for the patient. In a lap-band procedure, the bariatric surgeon makes several tiny incisions and puts a hollow silicone band around the stomach that can be inflated or deflated, or removed7. The Lap-Band procedure makes the available space in the stomach smaller but does not reroute the flow of food through the intestines. People with the Lap-Band procedure must eat smaller amounts of food, but they can digest what they eat normally, so their food choices are not limited and they have less risk of malnutrition when compared to other types of bariatric surgery.

Gastric bypass surgery may have a serious impact on a patient; in that their typical eating programs will not be possible, this doesn’t necessarily be a negative thing. In the beginning, they are not going to bee able to consume anything other than fluids, and even when they have moved back on to solid food it will require many weeks for the stomach to stabilize. Keeping to healthful eating is essential if the system will probably work ultimately. There aren't any short cuts. The surgery can give the patient a chance, but the patient has to play their part as well. Any disciplined patient can benefit from laparoscopic bypass surgery. Gastric bypass patients become more familiar with the second temperature regulator, shivering, as they lose weight. For an obese person, gastric bypass may be the answer for their extreme weight problem.

After surgery, incision pain, along with pain from the operation and manipulation of the intestines during surgery, is common. In addition, pain may be experienced after overeating or eating the wrong foods. High-fiber or bulky foods, those that produce gas, and highly refined sugary foods can produce abdominal pain. Nausea and vomiting are the most common symptoms following gastric bypass surgery. After Surgery you can’t drink 30 minutes before your meal, during your meal, or 30 minutes after your meal, because your stomach won’t be able to hold both liquid and food.

Originally Gastric bypass surgery was a surgery used for people who had obesity problems. For very obesity people this surgery could answer there weight problems, but it would come at a cost. Gastric Bypass surgery has very positive results, you go in to expecting to come out being able to lose weight easier, which you do, but it takes great tolls on your body. Gastric Bypass surgery is good in the situations for health issues like obesity, but it becomes an issue when people see this surgery as just a way to lose weight. For someone who doesn’t have weight issues and just want to be “skinny” it’s extremely unhealthy and unnatural and takes a lot from your body that doesn’t need to be meddled with. Gastric Bypass surgery is way too big of a risk to take to just be “skinny.”

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