Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Can we cure Crohn's disease?

One of the diseases that we can easily be infected is Crohn’s disease. It mostly affects people in their age of 20’s between 30’s; however, this can affect children and seniors as well. The cause of this disease is unknown. Therefore, people call this disease as “idiopathic disease.” Crohn’s disease can infect any parts of your digestive organs from mouth to anus. Moreover, it causes abdominal pain, diarrhea, and weight loss. Most patients try to get surgery for these reasons; however, it even causes other complications such as intestinal destruction and anal fistula. I have researched to understand correct knowledge about the disease called ‘Crohn’s disease’.

Several theories exist about what causes Crohn’s disease, but none have been proven. The most popular theory is that the body’s immune system reacts abnormally in people with Crohn’s disease, mistaking bacteria, foods, and other substances for being foreign. The immune system’s response is to attack these “invaders.” During this process, white blood cells accumulate in the lining of the intestines, producing chronic inflammation, which leads to ulcerations and bowel injury. Research shows that the inflammation seen in the GI tract of people with Crohn’s disease involves several factors: the genes the patient has inherited, the immune system itself, and the environment. Foreign substances, also referred to as antigens, are found in the environment. One possible cause for inflammation may be the body’s reaction to these antigens, or that the antigens themselves are the cause for the inflammation. Scientists have found that high levels of a protein produced by the immune system, called tumor necrosis factor (TNF), are present in people with Crohn’s disease. Moreover it closely related with smoking. Smoking is one of causes of Crohn’s disease and it usually makes the degenerate condition.

Treatment may include drugs, nutrition supplements, surgery, or a combination of these options. The goals of treatment are to control inflammation, correct nutritional deficiencies, and relieve symptoms like abdominal pain, diarrhea, and rectal bleeding. At this time, treatment can help control the disease by lowering the number of times a person experiences a recurrence, but there is no cure. First of all there are few treatment for Crohn’s disease, drug therapy, Nutrition Supplementation, and surgery.
For the drug therapy, Anti-Inflammation Drugs, Cortisone or Steroids, Immune System Suppressors, Infliximab, Antibiotics, Anti-Diarrheal and Fluid Replacements can be used, for some of these drugs, treatments are available in pill form, enemas, injections under the skin, and intravenous infusions. Although medical treatment can be effective in controlling the symptoms of Crohn’s disease, patients must take medications continuously to prevent the symptoms from returning.. For the nutrition supplementation, Special high-calorie liquid formulas are sometimes used for this purpose. Surgery to remove part of the intestine. Despite medical therapy, up to 80 percent of patients will have surgery during their lifetime. Although surgery usually relieves symptoms of Crohn's disease, it does not offer a cure. One-third of patients require repeat operations without medical therapy. There have been many advances in surgery for Crohn's disease. One is the use of bowel-saving techniques such as stricturoplasty (repair of disease segments instead of removal) and minimally invasive surgery (laparoscopy).

People suffering from the debilitating bowel condition Crohn's disease may be cured using a groundbreaking stem cell treatment, sulfasalazine, and mesalamine. according to the British doctor leading the research. Initial findings from the world's first controlled trial of the procedure have raised hopes that it could banish the disease's symptoms for many years in up to half of the patients who undergo it. The pioneering therapy involves "rebooting" the patient's immune system by first destroying the cells that have attacked the body's immune system to cause the Crohn's, and then replacing them.
The stem cell treatment, which takes two years, is very painful for patients, and involves risks including bleeding, infection and a 1-2% chance of death. The stem cell transplantation is used to kill off the patient's old bone marrow that produces the harmful cells which cause the Crohn's and generate new healthy cells. Also it depends on where Crohn’s disease occurs. In the case that it occurs in the small intestines, it is hard to cure. However, when the large intestines are infected by this disease, 80 percents complete recovery is possible through exeresis.

In conclusion, this ”unknown” rare disease has not proven by anybody. In our society, many people suffer from this diseases. Once you get this diseases, it is hard to be completely recovered. However, if there are not much of other complications with this disease and if you take well treatment, such as, drugs, nutrition supplements and surgery. you will not find any hardships or troubles while you are living in the normal condition.

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