Thursday, March 17, 2011

Weight Watchers, does it really work ?

Many popular diet programs have been established with time and have suceed to convince people to get healthier and in better shape. Weight Watchers, a popular diet created by Jen Nidetch in the early 1960’s and has helped millions of people all over the world to lose weight. Even if the program seems successful, People are wondering if it actually works and what is the science behind this diet, and this is why I looked informations about this billions-dollar-making industry.

Every aspect of the Weight Watchers program is built on a foundation of sound science. When it comes to the food plans, the concept of energy density is key. This concept is a scientifically proven method for reducing calories.

"Energy density" is best described as the number of calories in a specific weight of food. For example, a food is…

high in energy density if it contains a large number of calories per ounce

low in energy density if it contains a small number of calories per ounce

On a calorie-for-calorie basis, low-energy-density foods provide greater eating satisfaction and are more filling than high-energy-density foods. Many studies have shown that people who focus on eating foods that are low in energy density eat fewer calories. And fewer calories = weight loss. These Low Energy Density Foods can be: High in water like soups, stew, fruits and vegetables, High in fiber like whole grains, fruits and vegetables, High in air like popcorn and puffed wheat, or Low in fat like lean meats and non-fat milk.

The brain's "full" signal is triggered by eating solid food or drinking milk or milk-based beverages. Drinking water, fruit juice and diet soda will quench a person's thirst and keep them hydrated, but it won't stave off hunger pangs.


A single-center randomized trial at an academic medical center in Boston, Mass, of overweight or obese adults aged 22 to 72 years with known hypertension, dyslipidemia, or fasting hyperglycemia. Participants were enrolled starting July 18, 2000, and randomized to 4 popular diet groups (Atkins, Zone, Weight Watchers, and Ornish) until January 24, 2002. The Main Outcome Measures were a One-year changes in baseline weight and cardiac risk factors, and self-selected dietary adherence rates per self-report. Assuming no change from baseline for participants who discontinued the study, mean weight loss at 1 year was 4.8 kg for Atkins 6.0 kg for 4.9 kg for Weight Watchers and 7.3 kg for Ornish. Greater effects were observed in study completers. Each diet significantly reduced the low-density lipoprotein/high-density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio by approximately 10%, with no significant effects on blood pressure or glucose at 1 year. Amount of weight loss was associated with self-reported dietary adherence level but not with diet type. For each diet, decreasing levels of total/HDL cholesterol, C-reactive protein, and insulin were significantly associated with weight loss with no significant difference between diets.


So after reading about the science behind weight watchers, it is clear that This popular diet modestly reduced body weight and several cardiac risk factors of its users after 1 year or rigorous work. Overall dietary adherence rates were low because it is such a hard program to follow, although increased adherence was associated with greater weight loss and cardiac risk factor reductions for each individual. So, Weight Watchers does work, it will make the participant lose weight and be healthier, but according to researches, considerable results will only show on a long term basis, after at least a year.

Frederique Joncas

Friday, March 4, 2011

How Do You Know When You're Hungry?

How do we know when we're hungry? I know i feel hungry when i hear a rumbling sound coming from my stomach. If i don't eat something when i hear this sound, to make the rumbling stop, I will feel embarrassed by the noise! The stomach starts to rumble, it is empty and asking you food. From personal experience, i know that my stomach will make these rumbling sounds when i am hungry. Is this the same for you? If you hear the voice of your stomach, it is because you're stomach is empty and you are hungry. Let's see what the expert's have to say about all of this!

Although most of the people think that an empty stomach creates feelings of hunger, this is not true. Hunger has nothing to do with an empty stomach. For example, a person who has fever may have an empty stomach, but he does not feel hungry. Similarly when a child is born he does not feel hungry for several days, despite having an empty stomach. Blood is depleted of nutritive materials through the consumption of energy in routine work. Whenever there is a deficiency of nutritive food substances in the blood, a massage is sent to the "hunger centre" of the brain. This center acts like a brake on the activities of the stomach and intestines. When the blood has sufficient nutritive substances, the hunger center stops the activities of the stomach rumbling when you are hungry. When we feel hungry, we do not demand any particular kind of food. The main constituents of food are: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, vitamins and water. Each component has a specific role to play. Proteins are nitrogenous compounds which are used for the growth of the body. Minerals build the bones and tissues. vitamins protect the body from some diseases. Water is the main constituent of the cells. It carries the nutritive substances, we can become ill. As a result, any deficiency in nutritive elements in the blood becomes the main cause of hunger.

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Hunger is a primary motivation. Despite strong beliefs that hunger is caused biologically, this motivation is controlled not just by your physiology, but also by your psychology. What makes human beings different from animals is that we eat not only to feed our bodies to satisfy physiological hunger, but also to feed our minds to satisfy psychological hunger as well. Although these two kinds of hunger are interchangeable and affect one another, putting some food in our mouth is not necessarily the right way to feed our psychological hunger. The problems such as eating disorders and obesity could occur because we mistakenly keep trying to satisfy our psychologicle hunger. Until we realize that we need to feed our mind with something, rather than eating, we can not feel satisfied. Until we recognize it is our mind, not our body which needs food, we cannot be satisfied with what we put in our mouth. Thus, hunger is not only about how the body changes physiologically, it is about how our body and mind together are well fed, not just by the food that one can put in their mouth, but also by the whole environment around us.

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In conclusion, when you feel hungry it is because your blood is deficient in nutritive elements and not because your stomach is empty. However, when you hear your stomach rumbling, it is because the hunger center in the brain has sent hunger massages to the stomach and intestine. This is why your stomach rumbles when you are hungry.Psychological hunger always leads people to have bad eating habits and causes problems like eating disorders and obesity! So, FRIENDS! We should watch out about that and try to feed our body and mind well when we feel hungry!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Want to live longer? Eat or Drink Kefir!

My grandparents live in Germany and every 3-4 years, my family and I go there. When I am there, in the mornings,I go downstairs and eat breakfast. I either eat toast and jam, a bowl of cereal, a pretzel, or occasionally my favourite, pancakes (because we get to flip them). With my breakfast, I also have a glass of the BEST juice ever and some kind of fruit. As my sister and I sit at the kitchen table, still half asleep, my grandpa is eating his kefir. He eats this every morning.He practically lives by it and he always says that it makes you live longer. I never really believed him when he said this, so when this essay was assigned, I decided to find out what the real deal with this stuff is.

What is kefir? Kefir is a cultured, creamy product that has amazing health benefits when it is consumed regularly on a daily basis. It is similar to yogurt and is loaded with vitamins and minerals. It is made by fermenting milk with the kefir grain. The grains contain the bacteria/yeast mixture clumped together with casein (milk products) and complex sugars. It also contains proteins. Kefir has a slightly sour taste somewhere between buttermilk and sour cream, and a mild yeasty aroma. It may have small amounts of carbonation and alcohol. It is very easy to digest and even people that are lactose intolerant can eat it.

Now that we know what kefir is, lets take a look at some of the benefits. First of all, kefir increases the production of saliva, which helps with digestion before the food gets to the stomach. This leads to better gastrointestinal health and a longer life. It can also help to prevent certain types of cancer because of the lactic acid that it produces. Some of the other benefits include: helping with sleep disorders, anxiety, and depression, relieving most intestinal disorders, preventing some infections, and reducing the risk of heart disease. It can also help with hangovers.

Kefir has all these health benefits and is considered to be the key to good health. What is the difference between kefir and yogurt? Is kefir better? Many people think that because they are both fermented dairy products they offer the same benefits. This is not the case! They are actually quite different. Kefir has different types of beneficial bacteria than yogurt does. It can colonize the intestinal tract (something that yogurt can't do), and it contains several major strains of probiotics. Some of the probiotics kefir has are: Lactobacillus Caucasus, Leucomostoc, and Acetobacter species, that are not present in yogurt. Bacteria in yogurt will last a few days in the digestive tract and you need to keep re-introducing it. Kefir repopulates the digestive tract with good organisms. Since kefir is a small and curd-like size, it is easier to digest, which makes it more edible for infants, elderly, and people with chronic fatigue and digestive disorders. Looks like kefir is more superior here!

In conclusion, kefir is a great food and is very beneficial for our bodies. It helps nurture your hair, prevents acne and wrinkles, and even helps the brain! I remember one morning in Germany I decided to try kefir. I didn't like it. In fact, it made me feel like throwing up, mainly because of the texture though, not the taste. However because of all the benefits, next time you are at the grocery store, say goodbye to yogurt and hello to kefir! Be bold and give it a try! After all, the effects are only positive.. who knows, maybe you will be one of those lucky folks who live past 100!

Why is Nutritional Science So Bad?

Why is nutritional science so bad? In nutritional science the main focus is on healthy foods preventing disease rather than on bad nutrients causing disease. There is also way too much emphasis on the fast food industry being ok and using cancerous chemicals in their food they create, there advertising is much like tobacco companies in that way. Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.

Nutrition Science was a major theme in Chapter 9 “Bad Science” of Michael Pollan’s book, In Defence of Food. Pollan discusses whether or not the nutritional science we use today has any influence on gaining knowledge of nutrients and how the lack of certain foods might trigger disease. There were also many questions that arose as to the correct methods that the scientists should use to determine what is good and not good for your body. Pollan took many examples of “bad science” to illustrate that our nutritional understanding of foods is very weak and the methods that scientists use are for all of the wrong reasons. He suggests that scientists should avert their focus on how “bad nutrients might cause disease rather than on how the absence of food, like plant foods or fish, might figure in the aetiology of the disease.”

These results indicate there's a great deal of similarity between the food companies that market unhealthy foods and Big Tobacco. Both industries rely in misinformation, burying negative data, and confusing the public with conflicting evidence. And just as Big Tobacco has long insisted that nicotine is not addictive and there is nothing unhealthy about smoking cigarettes, the food industry and soft drink companies continue to insist there is no such thing as an unhealthy food. They say that any food, no matter what ingredients are in it, can be part of a healthy diet. They also tend to blame lack of exercise, rather than their foods, for causing obesity. The position of the U.S. food industry is, of course, nothing short of outlandish. To suggest that there's no such thing as an unhealthy food strains the credibility of logic and common sense. Clearly, there are some foods that promote obesity, diabetes, cancer, and other chronic diseases. At the same time, there are other foods that even prevent those diseases.

In study after study, that nutrient-based nutrition is bad science. It relies on medical oversimplifications and faulty longitudinal studies. It has helped to create a food industry that is making us fatter, sicker and less satisfied with dinner. So what's the alternative? Pollan argues for the de-medicalization of food. He begins the essay with the secret of healthy eating: Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.

In conclusion nutritional science is bad science. It has helped to create a food industry that is making us fatter, sicker and less satisfied with our food. We need to start eating real food and not too much of it. If we were to cut out the bad crap completely from society we would have a much more nutritious, healthier, happy nation. Remember this: Eat Food. Not too much. Mostly plants.

do multivitamins work?

My mother is a strong believer in “You are what you eat” and “You take a vitamin when you overwork”. Every family member is an easy target of her practice, among whom my 16-year-old brother is included, who weighs more than a small elephant and often stays the night playing games on the Internet. When he shows up at the breakfast table with an exhausted look, my caring mother makes a face and goes for a multivitamin even though he looks like a basement-dwelling creature to my eyes that only emerges from his room for food. It is the time when I snatch the vitamin pill from my mother, saying “The monster does not deserve one.” Wishing a multivitamin could change my brother’s brain, I have decided to search what it is and how it affects the body. This research will be used to let my mother realize a multivitamin is not a cure-it-all.

Not only do most of us fail to eat a varied and well-balanced diet on a regular basis, at certain times in their lives, many people may require more of certain nutrients than their diets can provide. Also, there are some nutrients that may be difficult to get in food in adequate amounts. For such problems, multivitamins are used. A multivitamin is a preparation intended to supplement a human diet with vitamins, dietary minerals and other nutritional elements. Such preparations are available in the form of tablets, capsules, pastilles, powders, liquids and injectable formulations. Besides, multivitamin supplements are commonly provided in combination with minerals. By supplementing the diet with additional vitamins and minerals, multivitamins can be a valuable tool for those with dietary imbalances or different nutritional needs. People with dietary imbalances may include those on restrictive diets and those who can't or won't eat a nutritious diet.

Long-term regular consumption of a multivitamin may reduce the risk of dying from heart disease by 16% and many people report a feeling of general well being when they are taking their daily multivitamins regularly. The individual vitamins and nutrients in a quality daily multivitamin dose delivers to you their specific benefits of each individual vitamin. Vitamin E, for example, a fat-soluble antioxidant vitamin helps to neutralize potentially damaging free radicals in the body and it is particularly important for the protection of cell membranes as well as maintaining healthy skin, heart and circulation, nerves, muscles, and red blood cells. Vitamin C on the other hand is water soluble, but like Vitamin E, it is an antioxidant. It helps white blood cells combat infection, is essential for wound healing, for the formation of collagen, for healthy skin, and for the formation of other important structural materials in bones, teeth and capillaries. It also helps with the absorption of iron from plant sources. Vitamins D, K, A, and other nutrients in a multivitamin supplement all have specific beneficial effects on our bodies ranging from minimizing the risks of heart problems to helping to ward off Alzeheimer's disease.

While multivitamins can be a valuable tool to correct dietary imbalances, it is worth exercising basic caution before taking them, especially if any medical conditions exist. Some analyses have suggested that long-term use of beta-carotene, vitamin A, and vitamin E supplements may shorten life rather than extend it, with the additional risk being particularly large in smokers. Moreover, if a person overuses vitamins by taking too many dietary supplements, his body will be strained as it tries to filter out the excess. Eventually, if vitamin overuse continues for long periods of time, an individual can suffer from serious health problems. For the several serious side effects, taking excessive amount of metals like zinc may cause, gastric bleeding, cardiac rhythm abnormalities, muscle weakness, staining of the teeth, increased urinary frequency. Excess intake of vitamin Calcium can lead kidney stones or gall stones. Besides, when vitamin C is taken in excess, it can cause the same problem of stone formation which in turn can lead to renal failure. Along with the potential for overdosing, other precautions people need to be aware of as they take vitamins include the potential for allergies to supplements, health problems due to vitamins' negative effects on existing conditions, such as diabetes or high blood pressure, and interaction with other medications.

Generally speaking, I found that a good daily multivitamin or mineral supplement improves our overall bodily functioning and boosts both our physical and mental health and well-being. Multivitamins are used to provide vitamins that are not taken in through the diet, offering us adequate nutrients. If we use them properly under the recommended dose of a multivitamin, they are beneficial tools in maintaining our health. However, when people take or overdose them without consideration of their own body conditions, there may be side effects which can seriously damage health. It will be beneficial when we take a natural multivitamin, which has a fewer side effects even with excessive intakes, instead of typical synthetic multivitamin sold at drug stores. Overall, obtaining enough nutrients from consuming various food is the best way to maintain our well-being rather than relying on nutrients made of pills.

Diet Pills: Safe or Unsafe?

“Fast and Easy!”, “Guaranteed Weight-Loss!” These are the frequent ads that one can encounter easily everywhere. They all targets and tempts millions of people out in the world who is suffering from obesity. Who would want to lose weight by tough exercise which requires strong determination and will if there is the easier way – simply swallowing a pill -- to lose weight? Of course most people, including myself, would be attracted to choice number two. But is it that trustworthy? Some say that diet pill benefits health, but there are claims that it brings side effects to our body. To look for reliability, I have researched about this issue.

Diet pills are a natural and herbal way to loose weight easily and quickly. They increase energy production by increasing metabolism rate thus allow consistent burning of calories 24 hours. These diet pills contain perfect amount of soluble fiber. They also help to improve the body's insulin levels and thus these diet pills are very beneficial in any problems related to diabetes.

Moreover, diet pills work more variety of good ways for obese people; they can suppress appetite, increase metabolism, or disable the body from absorbing fats that are in diet. For instance, Qnexa, a combination of the appetite suppressant phentermine, and an epilepsy drug makes the patient feel fuller. Another drug in development, Contrave, combines an appetite suppressant and a second drug that speeds weight loss. It is the new medicine designed to switch off appetite in the brain and maintain metabolism.

However, Ephedra, which is frequent component of diet pills, was banned by the Food and Drug Administration after several deaths were linked to its usage. Steve Bechler, Major League baseball pitcher, took Ephedra before a game, after he realized that he needed to drop some weight to have a healthy start to the season. One heart attack later and he passed away. As shocking as it is, this healthy 23 year old man didn’t know the dangers of diet supplements. Ephedra, along with other diet pills that increase metabolism, increases a person's heart rate significantly. Shockingly, the side effects to this can be death, anxiety, an elevated resting heart rate, insomnia, and addiction. It's the same idea as caffeine, and to a more severe degree, crack. In addition, Orlistat or Alli, blocks the absorption of fat by inhibiting the action of an enzyme called lipase. Lipase breaks down dietary fat so the body can absorb it. Orlistat blocks the absorption of up to 30% of dietary fat, and the unabsorbed fat is eliminated through the stool [as] oily rectal seepage, and gas with discharge, and in extreme cases [the user] may need adult diapers," wrote Dr. Heather Bauer in an article in World Now.

In conclusion, it is sure that diet pills are good for short-term weight loss for people who suffer serious obesity. It restrains the hunger and speeds weight loss. However, it seems that there are dangerous truths behind the flashy ads. It brings severe side effects such as heart attack, high blood pressure and addiction to our body which is very unhealthy. Therefore, it seems that it is not a very good idea to buy the diet pills. Rather, people should choose to exercise and stay active to lose weight.

Diet Pills

Wouldn't it be wonderful if all of your fats could "melt away" instantly? I'd honestly love to lose a few pounds myself, but losing weight is not as simple as it sounds. That is why many of us tend to buy diet pills. There are variety of ways to lose weight such as eating a healthy diet, excercising, and some of us even choosing to throw up what we ate. Out of all these choices, diet pills seem to be the fastest and easiest way to be slim again. However, people should consider carefully about these drugs as nothing good can be gained that easily. This is why I chose to do my research on diet pills, how effective they are, and the side effects they bring on us.
Diet pills contain powerful laxatives, stimulants, and appetite suppressants which help to lose weight. However, these may not be the healthiest way to burn off your calories. Powerful laxatives “flush” or “melt” fat, and “cleanse” your body as you'll be spending a lot of time on the toilet. They tend to contain natural laxatives such as psyllium, rhubarb powder, cascara, fennel powder, senna, goldenseal and others, and natural diuretics such as ginger, fennel, vinegars and teas. They come with warnings to drink lots
of water and avoid taking other medication within two hours (because the desired effect of the other medicine may be reduced—something to consider if you’re taking anything from blood pressure meds to the pill), and also that overuse can create a dependence on laxatives to move your bowels. Stimulants in diet pills claim that they burn calories, fat and increase metabolism. Common ingredients include caffeine, sometimes two to three cups of coffee worth in a single pill, and often green tea extract (listed as Camellia sinensis). Appetite suppressants are also present in diet pills and they claim to kill hunger pangs and make you feel full. The common ingredient is hoodia, an African plant that some claim quells hunger (so far no research studies prove it’s safe and effective), green tea extract and psyllium are also commonly found in suppressants.

Do diet pills work? Some say yes, and some say no. Technically, diet pills do work as many diet pills are basically designed as a way to increase your energy. Other diet pills tell your brain you are full (thus reducing your appetite), and others work internally to alter your metabolism. People should be aware that consuming only diet pills won't have much effect, proper dieting and routine exercise are definitely needed in order to make it work. On the other hand, medical experts and pharmacists roundly say no. Dr. Yoni Freedhoff, a family doctor and the founder of Ottawa’s Bariatric Medical Institute, says “If weight loss came in a bottle, the world would be slim.”  When Freedhoff opened his clinic six years ago, he scoured the medical literature looking for a good herbal supplement. To date, he notes, no herbal preparations have been conclusively shown in well-designed, randomized, peer-reviewed trials to be both safe and effective for long-term weight loss. Dr. Arya Sharma, scientific director of the Canadian Obesity Network, agrees. “Laxatives and stimulants are not a healthy, safe approach to long-term weight management.”
Now, let's consider the side effects of diet pills. Different diet pills contain different ingredients, so their side effects vary. As fat blockers like orlistat (Xenical) remove excess fats via the intestines, they may cause uncomfortable cramping, gas and diarrhea. Sibutramine (Meridia) and other similar appetite suppressants stimulate the sympathetic nervous system, which can raise blood pressure and heart rate. This increases the risk of heart attack and cardiac arrest, especially among people who already suffer from high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat or heart disease. In fact, between February 1998 and March 2003, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) received reports of 49 deaths related to sibutramine. Another report on diet pills was the popular Hydroxycut in May 2009, which in the U.S. led to 23 cases of liver toxicity and one death. The FDA told the company that since it was unknown what ingredient or combination of ingredients created the problem and who was at risk, any new formulation should get “a rigorous safety review” by the firm that markets it. A reformulated product was back on shelves in months, and the company sent the FDA its new formulations and safety information. Many other side effects include nervousness, restlessness, insomnia, dry mouth, vomitting and diarrhea or constipation, intestinal disturbances, tightness in chest, fever, and urinary tract problems. Overdoses can cause tremors, confusion, hallucinations, shallow breathing, renal failure, heart attack and convulsions.
Diet pills may sound tempting to many women, especially to those who are obese. Sarah Dean, at size 18, was desperate to regain her curvy size 14. Determined, she turned to diet pills, but the outcome was horrible. She was tempted into a health and beauty salon by a billboard advert that promised to help shed the pounds and was given a powerful diet drug called phenphedrine. Within four hours of taking the first tablets she began suffering bad headaches and extreme thirst. The next day she blacked out for three minutes and when the 31-year-old came round, she discovered she was paralysed. "I couldn't move my left arm or leg," Sarah recalls. Her husband took her to their GP who examined her and said that she needed to go to hospital to have an emergency CT scan. After their visit to the hospital, the couple learned that the tablets were amphetamine-based and GPs had stopped prescribing them years ago because of the dangerous side-effects. Fortunately Sarah, of Warrington, Cheshire, suffered no long-term damage and within a week she had recovered the feeling in her left side.
There is no easy way out of this terrible and harsh thing called diet. Yes, diet pills do help us to lose weight, but many of the pills out there have not undergone proper testing and exmination. The laxatives, stimulants, and appetite suppressants in diet pills have their own way of helping us to lose weight, but one must do their own part by exercising and eating a healthy diet in order to maintain one's weight and remain healthy. Relying only on pills would have no long term effect. Whenever we are dealing with drugs, we should always be careful with the dangers and side effects it carries. Too much will lead to serious health damages such as heart attacks and even deaths. We must always keep in mind that diet pills are supplements, and the effectiveness of it will depend on your efforts.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

why do we have appendix?

One day, when I was studying the human body and the digestion of food, I came to realize that the appendix pretty much does nothing in human body. I’ve seen numerous people who had their appendix removed and they are still breathing like they always did. It was then when I came to ask myself, why the heck do we keep our appendix? It seems like the only thing that it does is causing disease such as appendicitis, so why don’t we just get it removed and prevent disease? It just seems to me that if "God" does exist and he has a purpose for everything, then why did he give us one of these? So, I decided to research appendix to find out if there is any specific reason for us to keep our appendix.

The human appendix is a small dead-end tube connected to the cecum, or ascending colon, one section of the large intestine. The appendix is typically between two and eight inches long, but its length can vary from less than an inch (when present) to over a foot. The appendix is longest in childhood and gradually shrinks throughout adult life. Everyone lives happily with it until it becomes painfully inflamed, when the only treatment is to remove it surgically. Like I did, many people, including doctors have long wondered why we have an appendix, as we clearly don't need one, and they seem to exist only to create a need for an emergency appendectomy. However, a new study reveals that there may be a reason for the appendix.;prev_next=next

For years, the appendix was credited with very little physiological function. We now know, however, that the appendix serves an important role in the fetus and in young adults. Endocrine cells appear in the appendix of the human fetus at around the 11th week of development. These endocrine cells of the fetal appendix have been shown to produce various biogenic amines and peptide hormones, compounds that assist with various biological control (homeostatic) mechanisms. However, there had been little prior evidence of this or any other role of the appendix in animal research, because the appendix does not exist in domestic mammals.

Unlike for the fetus and young adult, among adult humans, the appendix is now thought to be involved primarily in immune functions. Lymphoid tissue begins to accumulate in the appendix shortly after birth and reaches a peak between the second and third decades of life, decreasing rapidly thereafter and practically disappearing after the age of 60. During the early years of development, however, the appendix has been shown to function as a lymphoid organ, assisting with the maturation of B lymphocytes (one variety of white blood cell) and in the production of the class of antibodies known as immunoglobulin A (IgA) antibodies. Researchers have also shown that the appendix is involved in the production of molecules that help to direct the movement of lymphocytes to various other locations in the body.

While the researches by the scientist shows that there are some functions of appendix such as producing biogenic amines, peptides hormones in fetus and young adults, and functions as a lymphoid organ in adults, it is still true that we can live without appendix. Also, doctors often indicate that the information’s are true “at this point” which illustrates that they are not 100% certain. Therefore, because we can live perfectly normal life without it, and the functions indicated by scientists are not fully supported or have little evidences, I conclude that the appendix is just a useless organ is better for us to just get it removed.

Do detox diets really work?

Sometimes we all need to take a step back and examine our nutritional intake. Are we putting on weight? Are we feeling moody? Will a detox diet help? Detox diets are so popular right now, mostly because people think they're a quick fix for shedding pounds. As nice as it is to think you can simply flush fat away by drinking so much liquid you spend half your day in the bathroom, the reality is that some of these diets are not just literally hard to do, but they may also be bad to do.

There is a lot of misunderstanding about what a detox is and how to do it, so let me explain how I understand detoxification. Detoxification is what your body does naturally to neutralize, transform or get rid of unwanted materials or toxins. So when I am talking about detoxification, this is done by decreasing the amount of toxins we put into our bodies while at the same time supporting our bodys detoxification and elimination systems with the nutrients it needs to function properly.

To understand more about detoxification diets, you really have to know about toxic foods and how they can cause your body to become imbalanced. You should also know about pH balance, gut flora, and healthy enzymes. Our bodies are stuffed with toxins from, for example, pollution, cigarette smoke, pesticides, a poor diet, food additives, alcohol and caffeine. As these toxins build up in our system, any number of health problems can occur, including weight gain, cellulite, headaches, dull skin, bloating, fatigue, lowered immunity, aches and pains, and a general lack of wellbeing. In order to make your body healthy again, you not only need to stop eating toxic foods, you need to begin cleansing your body with healthy foods and juices, to help purify the blood, liver, kidneys, and colon.

Advocates of detox diets say our bodies are continually overloaded with toxins from, for example, pollution, cigarette smoke, pesticides, a poor diet, food additives, alcohol and caffeine. As these toxins build up in our system, any number of health problems can occur, including weight gain, cellulite, headaches, dull skin, bloating, fatigue, lowered immunity, aches and pains, and a general lack of wellbeing. The process of detoxing helps to remove these toxins from the body with the result that you lose weight, feel healthier and recover from all those other niggling health problems. In several instances by the end of the detoxifying process people feel like entire new being. They are more contented, happier, in good health, look better than they ever thought they would after such a simple process and they tend to have more energy.

Generally, I'd say detox diets are a positive as they encourage us to return to healthier eating habits. Do not ever use them as kind of "get out of jail card" that allows you to binge on various unhealthy food and drinks with the idea that the detox diet will return you to full health at the end of your binge. That kind of destructive thinking will cause problems in the long run. Nevertheless, in spite of the opposing reports about how precisely sure the benefits are, they are definitely worth trying and you can find out for yourself how effective they are. I would conclude by saying that a balanced diet (fruit, vegetables, wholegrain, lean portions of protein, fish oils) is the greatest prescription of all in terms of keeping destructive toxins from your body and to purify ourselves. So basically, the amount of calories you gain is based on the amount of food you intake. So the more foods that are banned, the more weight you are likely to lose. Its as simple as that.

Can we cure Crohn's disease?

One of the diseases that we can easily be infected is Crohn’s disease. It mostly affects people in their age of 20’s between 30’s; however, this can affect children and seniors as well. The cause of this disease is unknown. Therefore, people call this disease as “idiopathic disease.” Crohn’s disease can infect any parts of your digestive organs from mouth to anus. Moreover, it causes abdominal pain, diarrhea, and weight loss. Most patients try to get surgery for these reasons; however, it even causes other complications such as intestinal destruction and anal fistula. I have researched to understand correct knowledge about the disease called ‘Crohn’s disease’.

Several theories exist about what causes Crohn’s disease, but none have been proven. The most popular theory is that the body’s immune system reacts abnormally in people with Crohn’s disease, mistaking bacteria, foods, and other substances for being foreign. The immune system’s response is to attack these “invaders.” During this process, white blood cells accumulate in the lining of the intestines, producing chronic inflammation, which leads to ulcerations and bowel injury. Research shows that the inflammation seen in the GI tract of people with Crohn’s disease involves several factors: the genes the patient has inherited, the immune system itself, and the environment. Foreign substances, also referred to as antigens, are found in the environment. One possible cause for inflammation may be the body’s reaction to these antigens, or that the antigens themselves are the cause for the inflammation. Scientists have found that high levels of a protein produced by the immune system, called tumor necrosis factor (TNF), are present in people with Crohn’s disease. Moreover it closely related with smoking. Smoking is one of causes of Crohn’s disease and it usually makes the degenerate condition.

Treatment may include drugs, nutrition supplements, surgery, or a combination of these options. The goals of treatment are to control inflammation, correct nutritional deficiencies, and relieve symptoms like abdominal pain, diarrhea, and rectal bleeding. At this time, treatment can help control the disease by lowering the number of times a person experiences a recurrence, but there is no cure. First of all there are few treatment for Crohn’s disease, drug therapy, Nutrition Supplementation, and surgery.
For the drug therapy, Anti-Inflammation Drugs, Cortisone or Steroids, Immune System Suppressors, Infliximab, Antibiotics, Anti-Diarrheal and Fluid Replacements can be used, for some of these drugs, treatments are available in pill form, enemas, injections under the skin, and intravenous infusions. Although medical treatment can be effective in controlling the symptoms of Crohn’s disease, patients must take medications continuously to prevent the symptoms from returning.. For the nutrition supplementation, Special high-calorie liquid formulas are sometimes used for this purpose. Surgery to remove part of the intestine. Despite medical therapy, up to 80 percent of patients will have surgery during their lifetime. Although surgery usually relieves symptoms of Crohn's disease, it does not offer a cure. One-third of patients require repeat operations without medical therapy. There have been many advances in surgery for Crohn's disease. One is the use of bowel-saving techniques such as stricturoplasty (repair of disease segments instead of removal) and minimally invasive surgery (laparoscopy).

People suffering from the debilitating bowel condition Crohn's disease may be cured using a groundbreaking stem cell treatment, sulfasalazine, and mesalamine. according to the British doctor leading the research. Initial findings from the world's first controlled trial of the procedure have raised hopes that it could banish the disease's symptoms for many years in up to half of the patients who undergo it. The pioneering therapy involves "rebooting" the patient's immune system by first destroying the cells that have attacked the body's immune system to cause the Crohn's, and then replacing them.
The stem cell treatment, which takes two years, is very painful for patients, and involves risks including bleeding, infection and a 1-2% chance of death. The stem cell transplantation is used to kill off the patient's old bone marrow that produces the harmful cells which cause the Crohn's and generate new healthy cells. Also it depends on where Crohn’s disease occurs. In the case that it occurs in the small intestines, it is hard to cure. However, when the large intestines are infected by this disease, 80 percents complete recovery is possible through exeresis.

In conclusion, this ”unknown” rare disease has not proven by anybody. In our society, many people suffer from this diseases. Once you get this diseases, it is hard to be completely recovered. However, if there are not much of other complications with this disease and if you take well treatment, such as, drugs, nutrition supplements and surgery. you will not find any hardships or troubles while you are living in the normal condition.

Stem Cell Treatment: a New Weapon against Diabetes

Thirty years. For thirty years, my grandmother has suffered from a dreadful illness - a “curse,” she often called it. Looking back upon my childhood, the most familiar image of her was a small, skeletal figure panting due to frequent fatigue and dizziness. Extreme exhaustion attacked her body without warning, and a needle and colorless liquid in the syringe followed her like a shadow. It was not until many years had passed that I realized and understood the pain of my grandmother. Diabetes was a name of the “curse” on her, which is also nicknamed the “silent killer” as it attacks the body stealthily, and the most despairing thing of all was the fact that there was no complete cure for it. She had sustained her life clinging to daily injection of insulin. Recently, however, hopeful news of “complete cure of diabetes” using stem cells has become the subject of conversation. The problem is that this treatment is rather a double-edged sword with very controversial issues and risky side effects.

Diabetes refers to a family of diseases where the body is unable to effectively produce or use insulin, the hormone produced by the pancreas to control blood sugar. The root cause of diabetes is not known, and so far there is no cure. Diabetes is a chronic medical condition, meaning that although it can be controlled, it lasts a lifetime. Therefore, people with diabetes must take responsibility for their day-to-day care which includes monitoring blood glucose levels, dietary management, maintaining physical activity, keeping weight and stress under control, monitoring oral medications and, if required, insulin use via injections or pump. Fortunately, it was recently announced that a handful of people with type 1 diabetes have been able to survive without insulin shots for more than two-and-a-half years, on average, after having their own blood stem cells removed and reimplanted through intravenous injection. It is also expected that stem cell treatment can be applied to curing of type 2 diabetes. Stem cells have become “weapons” against diabetes.

Stem cells are different from other cells because they have the unique potential to become cells with special functions, such as the insulin-producing beta cells of islets found in the pancreas. Theoretically, stem cells could be induced in the laboratory to become pancreatic islet cells, and then transplanted back into a patient to replace diseased tissue. Transplantation of stem cells or stem-cell derived tissue into human patients, however, has not yet reached the clinical level. Over the last several years, though, many institutions have shown the practical potential of cell replacement therapy using stem cells to restore insulin function. A successful case of diabetes patients who were able to go without insulin injections for nearly five years after receiving transplants of their own immune stem cells gives great hope. A major focus of the transplantation is to develop a reliable and unlimited supply of healthy insulin-producing cells. Currently, insulin-producing islets are obtained from deceased organ donors, and only 1,500 organs become available each year – a miniscule fraction of what’s needed to help the millions with diabetes. Stem cells can serve as a substitute to alleviate the shortage of insulin-producing cells.

Yet, the controversy surrounding stem cell research led to an intense debate about ethics as well as possible side effects of stem cell transplantation. Stem cells can be derived from a number of sources, including adult tissues, but the purest source of stem cells with the greatest therapeutic potential is early-stage embryos. The process of deriving stem cells destroys the embryo. According to pro-life viewpoint, life begins at conception and destruction of human embryo is no different from murdering. Moreover, like any other new technology, it is also completely unknown what the long term effects of such an interference with nature could materialize. One concern of treatment is the possible risk of mutation of transplanted stem cells into tumors. Also, because embryonic stem cells are derived from embryos that are not a patient’s own, patient’s body may reject them. Even for adult stem cells, which have less controversial issue, the source of new islet cells is not clear, and some controversy exists over whether adult stem cells exist in the pancreas. Along with many other problems, the controversy over human stem cell research continues to rage furiously.

Truly, stem cell transplantation and successful cases of the treatment are very hopeful news for those who have been fighting with diabetes. Since stem cells, especially embryonic stem cells, have a potential to grow into any specialized cell types, they can be used to replace insulin-producing beta cells in pancreas. This method is highly beneficial as the number of transplantable insulin-producing islets is far from enough compared to the number of diabetes patients. Also, once the stem cells are transplanted successfully, patients become free of daily insulin injection nearly up to five years. Nevertheless, not only has the process of extracting embryonic cells aroused ethical condemnation, but the expected side effects of the transplantation have also come to the fore. Those problems should be examined and solved soon to give the optimum answer for diabetes patients who live in pain every day, even at this moment.

Whole Grain: Will It Make You Live Longer?

People today seem to be obsessed with being healthy, including my mother. She shops at organic stores, buys supplementary vitamins and exercises on regular basis for her health. In the middle of this recent trend, whole grain cereals -- which I find not very delicious -- serve as one of the most common menu on our breakfast table because it is well known for its health benefits. Now, the researchers are saying that a diet rich in fiber can make a person live longer, even up to nine years. Such discovery motivated many health-conscious people to purchase more whole wheat breads and whole grain cereals, but they have been some disagreement with the proposal. Hoping to persuade my mother not to buy whole grain cereals anymore, I have researched about the issue and how much of it is true.

First of all, intake of whole grain bread and cereals on daily basis is much valuable in preventing development of certain cancers alike abdominal cancer, breast cancer, digestive tract cancer, colon cancer and urinary tract cancer. Several researches done in concerned field indicate that towards shielding effects provided by eating wholegrain foods for a minimum of 3-4 times per week.

In addition, fiber may decrease inflammation in the body. Inflammation is an immune response and can be beneficial when your body is fighting off infection, but chronically high levels of inflammation are known to play a role in certain conditions, including asthma and cardiovascular disease. In the study, dietary fiber reduced the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease, infectious and respiratory disease over the nine-year study period by 24 to 56 percent for men, and 34 to 59 percent for women.

However, there many claims that fiber plays no role in making you live longer. With respect to the fiber’s role of anti-inflammation, some people disapproved of this idea because “[u]nfortunately, it doesn’t explain why fruit and vegetables – which, if anything, are more anti-inflammatory than grains – barely put a dent in disease risk in this study. In fact, the researchers’ Inflammation Proclamation makes their findings all the more puzzling.” Also, people who advocate that fiber does not affect your life span contends that “the researchers failed to account for poor living conditions and socioeconomic status, both of which are huge contributors to infectious and respiratory disease. It’s well known that folks with lower income and social status also tend to have less healthful eating habits – including a lower consumption of fiber – and also have higher mortality from almost every cause.”

It is not doubted that there are numerous benefits of consuming fiber on regular basis – it decreases levels of fat in the blood, improves blood glucose level, and lowers blood. However, as new findings question the fiber’s advantages to wellbeing, the relationship between consumption of fiber and how long we live still remains a stalemate. Therefore, until one of the sides backs up its opinion with a clear proof, we should be conscious not to fill our shopping carts with whole grain products.

Cushing's Syndrome

Cortisol performs vital tasks in the body. It helps maintain blood pressure and cardiovascular function, reduces the immune system's inflammatory response, balances the effects of insulin in breaking down sugar for energy, and regulates the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. One of cortisol's most important jobs is to help the body relieve stress. So far so good, but can over exposure of cortisol necessarily be a bad thing?
            Cushing’s syndrome is a hormonal disorder caused by prolonged exposure of the body’s tissues to high levels of a hormone, cortisol. It is relatively rare and most commonly affects adults ranging from ages 20 to 50. Those who are obese and have type two diabetes, along with poorly controlled blood glucose and high blood pressure, have an increased risk of developing the disorder. Without the aid of proper treatment Cushing’s syndrome is fatal.
            Symptoms tend to vary, but most people have upper body obesity, rounded face, increased fat around the neck, and thinning arms and legs. Children tend to be obese with slowed growth rates. Women with Cushing’s syndrome usually have excess hair growth on their face, neck, chest, abdomen, and thighs. Their menstrual periods may become irregular or stop. Men may have decreased fertility with diminished or absent desire for sex and, sometimes, erectile dysfunction. Other common signs and symptoms may also include severe fatigue, weak muscles, high blood pressure, high blood glucose, increased thirst and urination, and irritability, anxiety, or depression.
            There are a few things we as individuals can do to avoid being the next victim of Cushing’s syndrome. Try your best to avoid corticosteroid medications which are often associated with arthritis, bowel diseases like Chrohn's or asthma, can also cause increased levels of cortisol in the body. Limit sodium in your diet as a lower intake of salt will help high blood-pressure, which is a symptom Cushing’s disease. Keep an eye out for symptoms, If you feel you are at risk of developing Cushing’s disease watch for facial hair growth in women and sexual dysfunction in men. Test your vision frequently, Cataracts are a symptom of Cushing's disease and may effect your eyesight substantially. If you see yourself experiencing any of the following symptoms it may be time to take the next step and consult your family doctor as Cushing’s syndrome can be fatal without the aid of proper treatment.
Cushing’s syndrome is a disorder caused by prolonged exposure of the body’s tissues to high levels of the hormone cortisol. Typical signs and symptoms of Cushing’s syndrome include upper body obesity, a rounded face, skin that bruises easily and heals poorly, weakened bones, excess body hair growth and menstrual irregularities in women, and decreased fertility in men. Cushing’s syndrome is caused by exposure to glucocorticoids, which are used to treat inflammatory diseases, or by the body’s overproduction of cortisol, most often due to tumors of the pituitary gland or lung. Several tests are usually needed to diagnosis Cushing’s syndrome, including urine, blood, and saliva tests. Treatment depends on the specific reason for excess cortisol and may include surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, or the use of cortisol-inhibiting drugs. Although the majority of us are unaffected by Cushing's Syndrome at this time, it is important we take certain precautions into consideration as the best way to prevent a disease is often before it starts.

Losing weight with worms

In today’s society people try many different ways to help them lose weight, and as people get more and more desperate they turn to weirder and weirder ways to do this. The most bizarre is the tapeworm diet. Many people believe that eating a worm will help them lose weight quickly and easily. With the pros of losing weight there are many different cons to eating a live worm to lose weight.

The most common tapeworms are Taenia solium, Taenia saginatum, Taenia asiatica, Diphyllobothrium, Hymenolepis, Dipylidium caninum, Echinococcus, Spirometra, Taenia multiceps (Irizarry, 1994: Medscape). Tapeworms by attaching their head, known as the scolex, to the mucosa of the intestinal tract, using suckers and hooks as anchors, and absorb nutrients and proteins directly from the intestinal lining. More commonly, infected humans are the primary host, meaning the tapeworm is confined to the intestinal tract, from eating meat that contained a cyst. There were several weight-loss pills on the market that were in fact capsules containing tapeworm segments. How well or badly this worked out, I don't know.

Despite these risks, “the Tapeworm Diet” claims that you can and will loose about 1 to 2 pounds per week. In today’s culture of instant gratification with minimal input, the tapeworm diet has resurfaced as a way to lose weight fast. “The Tapeworm Diet: all natural weight loss,” an internet product which claims to help people loose weight, is no exception. The “Tapeworm Diet” is based on the idea that worms and humans coexisted as a means to keep the human immune system in check. Because it is not FDA approved, customers have to leave the country and obtain and ingest the tapeworms in Mexico in order to participate in this diet. Their website,, states that Taenia saginata has the lowest side effects and risks which is why this is the worm of choice. According to some scientists, tapeworm infestation can result in a loss of one to two pounds per week. Once the target weight loss is reached, an antibiotic is given, which kills the tapeworm so it can be expelled.
Weight loss is very likely.
Some scientists believe that tapeworms can also help to alleviate allergies such as hay fever.

Within humans, the tapeworm causes a wide range of presentations and symptoms which are highly dependent on each host. The only guaranteed typical symptom from hosting a tapeworm is the passage of proglottids through the feces; rarely appendicitis occurs due to proglottids migration (CDC, 2010). Lisandro Irizarry, a doctor of Cornell School of Medicine and Medscape reporter, stated that the proglottids have the muscle capacity to migrate out of the rectum which may also causes itching (Irizarry, 1994: Medscape). More common symptoms but dependent on each host are abdominal pain, change in appetite, diarrhea, nausea, infection, anemia, fever, eosinophilia, and weight loss (Song et. al., 2004). Dr. Irizarry also noted that malnutrition often arises from a specific species’, Diphyllobothrium, absorption of vitamin B12. Additionally, ascites, a response to parasitic infection causing the build up of fluid in the abdominal cavity resulting in a swollen and extended belly, often occurs (Song et al., 2004). This symptom is counter to the weight loss desired. Lastly, and perhaps most important is the danger of cysticercosis which occurs when a human host digests a tapeworm egg instead of the cyst. When this occurs, the tapeworm larvae burrow into the bloodstream and can end up encysted anywhere in the body, particularly in the brain, eyes, and lungs (Song et al., 2004). In rare cases, neurocysticercosis occurs in which the cyst forms in the central nervous system or skeletal muscles causing seizure, epilepsy, major brain damage, and dementia (Irizarry, 1994: Medscape). However, using tapeworms for weight loss requires ingesting a cyst form of the tapeworm, not the egg. Cysticercosis would only occur if given the wrong form of the tapeworm which is a risk tapeworm dieters would have to take. The Center for Disease Control recommends that tapeworms be killed, not tolerated, using Praziquantel and then passed through the feces (CDC, 2010). Tapeworms can be diagnosed by microscopy of the eggs, antibody detection, and morphological comparisons of the actual worm (CDC, 2010). Though the use of tapeworms for weight loss seems promising, there is not enough evidence available to suggest that this type of weight loss is sustainable, healthy, and actually effective. Historically, this practice was not widespread and with good reason. The majority of the evidence currently available suggests that ingesting tapeworms for weight loss is ineffective and even harmful to the host. Having a tapeworm in your body comes with substantial risks that are shown to outweigh the potential weight loss. There is evidence that hosts do lose some weight while having a tapeworm inside of them; however, this is not known to be due to the absorption of calories and nutrients alone, but from other side effects that occur in conjunction with hosting a tapeworm. People seeking to lose weight would be better off cutting calories and exercising than risking hosting a tapeworm in their intestines. Thankfully the use of tapeworms as a diet aid is illegal in the US and for good reason. Tapeworm infestation can result in the formation of cysts in the liver, eyes, brain, and spinal cord with potentially lethal consequences.
Extremely dangerous, can cause unpleasant side effects and in some cases can be lethal.
Does not appear to be adequate protection for consumers in regard to regulation and safety analysis.
Rebound weight gain is most likely once the tapeworm is expelled.
Tapeworms can cause a swollen stomach which is not physically attractive and goes against the desired result.
Not available in most countries.
Treatment is expensive and will also need to include travel expenses.

In conclusion as more and more people want to look like the super models they see on TV they come up with ideas like eating a tapeworm to lose weight. The cons to this messed up way to lose weight outweigh the pros by far. This procedure is illegal in most countries including Canada, but if someone would ever want to lose those unwanted pounds, they just have to go to Mexico and pay over $1500 or they could just go to a farm and eat some cow poo.

Erik Granander

Antacids - Good or Bad?

Last Sunday morning, for breakfast, I had some left over chicken from the night before. Then I had a bowl of cereal with some fruits. For lunch, I had a blueberry muffin and a tall iced Americano. Then my stomach started to feel not good. I took some antacids right away. That was when I started to wonder what the antacids are, if they are helpful, and what the side effects are.

When you eat or drink too much, your digestive system may generate too much acid. This can cause indigestion, lead to heartburn and many other digestive disorders. Antacids are a quick and inexpensive way to fix this problem only in temporary relieving, not in the cure. Once the effects of antacids are over, the stomach acids may again rise when you eat next. So we can not use antacids as a long term solution for heartburn and acid indigestion. It works just like a temporary band-aid. They contain ingredients such as aluminum hydroxide, calcium carbonate, magnesium hydroxide, and sodium bicarbonate, alone or in various combinations. Antacid products may also contain other ingredients such as simethicone, which relieves gas. Most antacids are weak based and have some alkali. But what does it really do in our body and is it helpful?

Antacids make you feel better by increasing the pH balance in your stomach. Normally, the acid level in your stomach is about 2 or 3. Trouble may start when your pH drops below those numbers. In order for the antacids to work, all they have to do is get you to 3 or 4. It does this by neutralizing some of the excess acid. Due to several complex factors, a base can't neutralize your acid all by itself. A base needs some chemical "helpers," or ingredients, which are sodium, calcium, magnesium, and aluminum. They reduce most of the stomach acid that can irritate the lining of esophagus and stomach. Antacids differ in how quickly they work and how long they provide relief. Those that dissolve rapidly in the stomach, such as magnesium hydroxide and sodium bicarbonate, bring the fastest relief. Antacids that contain calcium carbonate or aluminum dissolve more slowly and can take up to 30 minutes to begin working. The longer an antacid stays in the stomach, the longer it works. Also, taking any kind of antacid after a meal, instead of on an empty stomach, provides longer-lasting relief because the medicine stays in the stomach. So the antacids do work and can be helpful. However, these contain some side effects.

Antacids are meant to be used only occasionally. They should not be taken continuously for more than two weeks unless under a physician's directions. Taking antacids over long periods could mask the symptoms of a serious stomach orintestinal problem, such as peptic ulcer disease. Older people should be especially careful, as they may have ulcers without showing the typical symptoms. Symptoms of appendicitis include cramping, pain, and soreness in the lower abdomen, bloating, and nausea and vomiting. Side effects are very rare when antacids are taken as directed. They are more likely when the medicine is taken in large doses or over a long time. Minor side effects include a chalky taste, mild constipation or diarrhea, thirst, stomach cramps, and whitish or speckled stools. These symptoms do not need medical attention unless they do not go away or they interfere with normal activities.

Antacids are medicines that neutralize stomach acid. It brings the acid level in you stomach to 3 or 4 when your pH drops below 2 or 3. However, it only helps in temporary relieving, not in the cure. It should not be taken continuously because taking antacid for a long period of time will cause some minor side effects or even a serious disease. Antacids may be helpful if they are taken as directed, but there will be some consequences if you ignore the direction.



Thyroid disease

Hello sabre brain followers, today we are focusing on Thyroid and how it can affect your health, specially during pregnancy. We also have a very special guest, Dr. Pye, who has many years of experience in this field. Are you becoming a mom? Or planning to become one? If yes, then this news is to your benefit. As you already know becoming a parent comes with lots of responsibilities including the baby’s health and your own. Being aware and protecting yourself against the diseases coming your way is very important. One of the threatening diseases which is the least expected by many, occurs when your thyroid malfunctions. Your thyroid is a butterfly-shaped organ located in the front of the neck, which plays an important role in regulating the body's metabolism and calcium balance. Thyroid diseases occur when more or less hormones are produced, which affects the rate at which digestion occurs. Researchers have found that low thyroid hormone levels affect an estimated 40,000 pregnant and 1.6 million none pregnant women. They also concluded that 3.1 percent of reproductive age women have low thyroid hormone levels. Which means routine thyroid screening for women of reproductive age, particularly before becoming pregnant, may save money and limit health risks to children. Now you may ask yourself what causes the thyroid to start malfunctioning during pregnancy. What are the symptoms and is it treatable? If you are one of those people then you don’t need to worry, your questions will be answered as we expand the scientific reasoning behind the thyroid diseases and the treatments.

The thyroid gland or simply, the thyroid is one of the largest endocrine glands in the body. The thyroid controls how quickly the body uses energy, makes proteins, and controls how sensitive the body should be to other hormones. The small, two-inch gland consists of two lobes, one on each side of the windpipe, connected by tissue called the isthmus. These hormones regulate the rate of metabolism and affect the growth and rate of function of many other systems in the body. The most common thyroid diseases consist of an overactive thyroid gland, referred to as hyperthyroidism, and an underactive thyroid gland, referred to as hypothyroidism. Thyroid disease is a disorder that results when the thyroid gland produces more thyroid hormone (hyperthyroidism) or less thyroid hormone (hypothyroidism) than the body needs. Hyperthyroidism can cause many of the body’s functions to speed up while hypothyroidism, in which many of the body’s functions slow down. Two pregnancy-related hormones—human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and estrogen—cause increased thyroid hormone levels in the blood. Normal fetal development requires both mother and fetus to supply appropriate levels of thyroid hormone at different times. Alcohol consumption during pregnancy can alter thyroid function in both the mother and fetus. (interviw)

Now lets talk to one of viewers who experienced hypothyroidism. Mary Shomon, who was in her early pregnancies noticed some unnormal changes through her body. And now here she is.
Mary Shomon, :In my case, after I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, I started developing a variety of symptoms they didn't mention in the doctor's office. The doctor initially described hypothyroidism as something can make you tired and gain weight. While problematic, these were understandable symptoms. Then my hair fell out. And my periods started coming more frequently, and more heavily. And my skin started flaking. The doctors and articles didn't mention many of some the less common symptoms of hypothyroidism I started to experience So I read more, and I surfed the web. And I talked to other thyroid patients. And I found out that things like hair falling out, and weird menstrual periods, and feeling depressed were all utterly "normal" symptoms of hypothyroidism. For me, despite the fact that these were caused by my thyroid, I felt that knowing was better than not knowing! Many of us feel so sick that we sometimes worry that we had some incurable disease. I'd rather realize that my thyroid problem still needs some further treatment than worry in the middle of the night that something awful is happening to my body!

Well thank you very much Mary, hope you’ll get better soon. Today we have Doctor Pye, who has about 10 years of experience in this field. Hello Mr. Pye and thanks for coming.

Mr. Pye: Hi, and it’s a pleasure. Many people especially during pregnancy don’t take thyroid diseases as serious. However it’s very important too look for the symptoms of this disease.
Symptoms of hypothyroidism, include slowing down - coldness, sluggishness, dry skin and scanty hair growth. At the opposite extreme, the person with hyperthyroidism, may have an increase in body metabolism, which results in weight loss in spite of an increased appetite, excessive warmth and sweating, noticeably trembling hands, pounding of the heart and, in some cases, bulging eyes. Individuals with suspected thyroid problems need to be assessed by a physician. To assess thyroid hormone levels and the function of the thyroid, several tests are performed that measure the amount of several thyroid and pituitary hormones in the blood. Other tests include radioactive iodine uptake and thyroid scanning. The nature and extent of tests performed is guided by the clinician's history and physical exam.

There are several treatments for thyroid diseases. Based on age, physical condition, the cause of thyroid disease, and how severe the condition is, an appropriate treatment will be chosen. Most adults who develop hyperthyroidism are taken radioactive iodine by mouth. It gets into the blood stream and causes the level of thyroid hormone in the body to decrease. Another way to treat hyperthyroidism is to take Anti-thyroid medicine. These drugs block the thyroid's ability to produce hormones. The least popular treatment is to remove most of your thyroid gland with a surgery called a thyroidectomy. After surgery, most patients are likely to develop hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid disease) and then need to take a thyroid hormone supplement to restore hormone levels to normal. Treatment for hypothyroidism is a synthetic thyroid hormone taken daily in pill form to regulate hormone levels and shift metabolism back to normal. It will also lower LDL cholesterol and may help reverse weight gain. It may take a few tries to get the right dose of synthetic thyroid hormone. Doctors can tell if the right dose of thyroid hormone is taken, based on how the patient feels, by examination and by blood testing.
Thank you very much Mr. Pye and hope the information was helpful to our audience.

In conclusion the thyroid gland plays a fairly important role in the body and keeps your body’s metabolism in balance. However when it malfunctions it can become your worst nightmare. Thyroid diseases occurs when the thyroid gland produces more or less thyroid hormone causing the body’s functions to speed up or slow down. Yet, if you are aware of the symptoms, the thyroid disease is mostly preventable and treatable. Some of the most common symptoms include hair loss, thinning of skin, muscular weakness, racing heart, more or less frequent bowel movements, more or less frequent menstrual periods. Especially during pregnancy, it’s absolutely necessary to visit a physician to check your thyroid function through your body. By taking the right amount of iodine you are almost guaranteed to have an excellent working thyroid. And that was it for today’s Fact Of The Day. Thanks for your interest, sabre followers and we’ll be back with more next week.

by Mahtab S.