- Starts in the right lilac region of the pelvis, just at or below the right waist, where it is joined to the bottom end of the small intestine. From here it continues up the abdomen, then across the width of the abdominal cavity, and then it turns down, continuing to its endpoint at the anus.
- It is about 1.5m long.
- It takes about 16 hours to finish up the remaining processes of the digestive system.
- Absorbs water, salt and some vitamin.
- Storage of indigestible remains.
- Consists of cecum and colon.
Parts of the large intestines are:
Cecum – the first part of the large intestine
- Taeniae Coli – three bands of smooth muscle
- Haustra – bulges caused by contraction of taeniae coli
- Epiploic Appendages– small fat accumulations on the viscera
- The ascending colon
- The transverse colon
- The descending colon
* Flora means the sum of bacteria
- Large intestine has over 700 species of bacteria
- Bacteria break down indigestible material, and they also produce some vitamins and other molecules that can be absorbed and used by our bodies.
- Large intestine absorbs water, salt and vitamin
- Bacterial products include gas (mixture of nitrogen&carbon dioxide) with small amounts of hydrogen, methane, and hydrogen sulphide.
- A mucus layer protects the large intestine from attacks from colonic bacterial.
- Bacteria aid in digestion by eating the cellulose in the digested chyme causing waste material to form.
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