How do we know when we're hungry? I know i feel hungry when i hear a rumbling sound coming from my stomach. If i don't eat something when i hear this sound, to make the rumbling stop, I will feel embarrassed by the noise! The stomach starts to rumble, it is empty and asking you food. From personal experience, i know that my stomach will make these rumbling sounds when i am hungry. Is this the same for you? If you hear the voice of your stomach, it is because you're stomach is empty and you are hungry. Let's see what the expert's have to say about all of this!
Although most of the people think that an empty stomach creates feelings of hunger, this is not true. Hunger has nothing to do with an empty stomach. For example, a person who has fever may have an empty stomach, but he does not feel hungry. Similarly when a child is born he does not feel hungry for several days, despite having an empty stomach. Blood is depleted of nutritive materials through the consumption of energy in routine work. Whenever there is a deficiency of nutritive food substances in the blood, a massage is sent to the "hunger centre" of the brain. This center acts like a brake on the activities of the stomach and intestines. When the blood has sufficient nutritive substances, the hunger center stops the activities of the stomach rumbling when you are hungry. When we feel hungry, we do not demand any particular kind of food. The main constituents of food are: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, vitamins and water. Each component has a specific role to play. Proteins are nitrogenous compounds which are used for the growth of the body. Minerals build the bones and tissues. vitamins protect the body from some diseases. Water is the main constituent of the cells. It carries the nutritive substances, we can become ill. As a result, any deficiency in nutritive elements in the blood becomes the main cause of hunger.
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Hunger is a primary motivation. Despite strong beliefs that hunger is caused biologically, this motivation is controlled not just by your physiology, but also by your psychology. What makes human beings different from animals is that we eat not only to feed our bodies to satisfy physiological hunger, but also to feed our minds to satisfy psychological hunger as well. Although these two kinds of hunger are interchangeable and affect one another, putting some food in our mouth is not necessarily the right way to feed our psychological hunger. The problems such as eating disorders and obesity could occur because we mistakenly keep trying to satisfy our psychologicle hunger. Until we realize that we need to feed our mind with something, rather than eating, we can not feel satisfied. Until we recognize it is our mind, not our body which needs food, we cannot be satisfied with what we put in our mouth. Thus, hunger is not only about how the body changes physiologically, it is about how our body and mind together are well fed, not just by the food that one can put in their mouth, but also by the whole environment around us.
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In conclusion, when you feel hungry it is because your blood is deficient in nutritive elements and not because your stomach is empty. However, when you hear your stomach rumbling, it is because the hunger center in the brain has sent hunger massages to the stomach and intestine. This is why your stomach rumbles when you are hungry.Psychological hunger always leads people to have bad eating habits and causes problems like eating disorders and obesity! So, FRIENDS! We should watch out about that and try to feed our body and mind well when we feel hungry!
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